Back to news 02-12-2022

Land (25.2 acres) for sale at Bath Road, Keynsham, Somerset

We are delighted to be acting on behalf of the landowners and working with Davies and Way Chartered Surveyors to offer for freehold sale, subject to contact, 10.2ha (25.2 acres) of greenfield residential development land at Bath Road, Keynsham, Somerset. The site has outline planning permission for up to 213 houses, of which 30% will be affordable, along with a replacement sports pitch for the primary school.

Located on the eastern edge of Keynsham, the site lies mid-way between Bristol and Bath and is served by regular buses as well as a frequent rail service from Keynsham station. It also benefits from good access to local facilities including a Waitrose supermarket, Wellsway School and IKB Academy.

Unconditional offers at sought for the land interest by Wednesday 15th February 2023. Sales Marketing Particulars are attached and, a Planning and Technical Dataroom is available for viewing.

For further information, please contact: Nevin Holden or Michael Gooch

Click here to view the sales particulars

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